HEAVENLY CHURCH OF PRAISE is based on God’s Word and was founded on 5th JULY 2015.

Pas.GLADSON KINGSLY is the Founder and Director of HEAVENLY CHURCH OF PRAISE. A humble beginning of the preaching of the Word of God to a small group of people is now making a global impact of the supernatural power of God.

HEAVENLY CHURCH OF PRAISE Church is a Bible based Discipleship Church that is passionate about glorifying GOD through its spirit-filled vibrant Worship, the Church is dedicated in building relationships and laying foundations in the lives of people through the Word of God to establish the Kingdom of God and being the Body of Christ so that lives may be delivered and transformed by the Holy Spirit to achieve and live spiritually fruitful lives according to the Word of God to serve God and the community, to represent the Love of God enabling us to Spread the Gospel and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Pas.GLADSON KINGSLY and called by God, is highly anointed Worship Leader and prophetic preacher. Many lives are transformed by the message of Jesus Christ.

Preach the gospel with power and see multitudes saved for the glory of God Manifest God’s supernatural power with signs, wonders and miracles Transform lives so they can become a blessing to others Heal, deliver and set free the various groups of people Help the poor and needy.

Pas.Gladson Kingsly is currently resides in England with his wife Stephanie Isaac.